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Good People

What are good people? There are two types. Good people to their friends, family & community. These are mostly the self righteous. As long as they are not bothering anyone they feel they have contributed to society. In fact they have. The problem is that they have valued their own Goodness.

It is their inner circle that they want to please. Many have dark secrets that are hid, and all you know is what you see from them.

Can your still love them that hate you, Even, after they have tried to destroy you, and even to the point of Physical harm?

Good self righteous people still have a problem with God and Jesus Christ. Their Goodness is of their own will.

We have Cops and politicians that have authority, to make sure all people are treated equally, but they hide behind their positions when they break the law by their relation to their position of authority.

The second type of Good person is God's saints. They are the ones who suffer the hatred of the world for trying to get everybody to see that all your goodness and self righteousness does not get you to heaven. First, you must confess with your mouth, believe and accept Jesus Christ in your heart. Saints pray for their enemies, and even go outside of their comfort zone. Even when the world think so little of us, we love our enemies. We follow what the bible tells us. When you do that only then Will your goodness be counted in heaven.

I am not talking about the Luke Warm Christian, who is no use to God and Jesus Christ.

Isaiah 64 chapter, 6 verse - But we all as unclean thing, and all our righteous are as filthy rags, and we all do fade as a leaf, and out iniquities, like the wind have taken us away.

Our goodness alone does not get us into heaven. You must be born again in Jesus Christ, ask him into your heart to gain eternal life, know what is his good and perfect will for you life. Only then will your goodness count in heaven.

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